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Ready to scale your business to 6-figures and beyond your way?



(formerly Aligned Flow Mastermind)

Your comprehensive master program that gives you the coaching, channeled teachings, and energy-block clearings to act on your intuitive messages, and co-create your profitable and aligned business with your Light Team (the group of non-physical beings, including your Higher Self, that support you in the physical).


Do you know WHY you have a desire to use your inner guidance to grow your business? It’s because that’s the path to what you want.

Take as many “what type of intuitive are you” quizzes online as you like, you know the truth.


You are intuitive.

Your experiences have shown you that there’s something beyond this physical reality. You’re realizing the deeper meaning in those repeating numbers you keep seeing, and that song on the radio that makes you cry every time you hear it. 

You’re feeling new sensations in your body. The thoughts in your head aren’t sounding like your own. 

You’re understanding your business, your offers, your soulmate clients so much more clearly now. It’s almost as if you’re connecting to something new that’s actually been there all along. And it’s already guiding you. 

As your eyes continue to open to the synergy around you, the truth of who you are and your power continues to be revealed to you. 

Your journey of awakening has brought you here for a reason.

Because you’re starting to wonder...

“What would happen if I followed the call of my intuition more actively?”

“What could I create when I’m working with my Higher Self?

That curiosity is your intuition calling you into the path to more alignment, ease, abundance, and flow. 

How do I know?

First of all… deep down I always felt a nudge calling me into a more intentional connection with myself and the Universe. And while I looked within during certain times in my life, I left this connection out of my business.

In the hustle and bustle of life, I relied instead on what I had been taught to do and what others expected of me.

I was living from the old paradigm that the success of my business was found in how hard I worked and how much knowledge I could gain.

So, when I first started my business, I took all the online courses and joined all the marketing memberships, only to find myself working my ass off and barely breaking even. 

Thankfully, I came to know that there’s a much easier way to manifest the money and business you want without learning or doing more.

Because if that actually worked… you wouldn’t be here now curious about tapping into your own knowledge, would you?

I was lucky enough to start to pay more attention to my nudges (just like you are now by being here) and completely shift the way I was operating in my business. It took the dreams I had for my business almost being taken away from me, as I became a homeschooling mom overnight when the pandemic began.

I decided at that moment that if I was going to still give this dream of a business a chance, I would do so by finally listening to the nudges. I would do it by following my intuition and allowing it to guide my actions. 

 When I only did the things my intuition told me to do, everything finally clicked for me.

Within 2 months, I went from making $950 a month to consistent $5,000+ months.

Then I made my entire 2020 revenue in the first 8 days of 2021. I went on to 5X my revenue and ended with a $216,000 year.


When you tune into your intuition and trust it enough to take action, everything changes. And while the success has been amazing, the best part is that through this process I’ve been introduced to my non-physical Light Team of spirit guides, angels, ancestors, and ascended masters.

They are my partners in co-creating a business full of passion, purpose, and abundance. Living my life in constant devotion to this non-physical source of power has brought me into alignment and flow.

Because the truth is, you’re never alone. The Universe really does have your back. And everything in your life, not just your business, will change when you’re in communication with this greater knowing.

It’s not the knowing that exists in a book, or a course, or even in everything you believe to be true about what it takes to have a dream life.

That knowing is found within you, and you are the only one with the power to access it. 

And THAT’S where all the fun begins because...

Abundance is the by-product of co-creating through your intuition and with your non-physical Light Team

Abundance is the by-product of co-creating through your intuition and with your non-physical Light Team.

JOIN NOW and get $1,000 OFF

Harnessing the power of your intuition to scale your business is possible for you.

I did it, our members are doing it, and you can do it too.

From questioning the business she was meant to create to confidently and effortlessly selling out a new purpose-driven membership

Nicole Ponda, Business coach and Physical therapist

Since joining the Aligned Flow Mastermind, my intuitive sense has skyrocketed. Funny thing is that it was there all along, but I didn’t recognize it before. I learned additional tools to tap into it and how to apply that to my business. Tangibly, I created the best month that I have ever had in my business as a transformational business coach. I generated $40,000 of PROFIT in the first week of January. More notable than the profit is the fact that it felt easy, so much so that I am not exactly sure how I even created that. It was truly manifested using my intuition.

I started as a coach the year prior, and $10K months were my highest profit prior to this. And the years before that in network marketing, I worked my butt off for $50K revenue in a YEAR, but had so many more expenses as a part of that and it felt like hard work! I believe that we all have the answers within us.  I believe that we must learn to trust ourselves in business and learning to listen to your intuition is KEY!

Your soul is ready for the journey of remembering who you truly are, stepping into your power, and creating a business that is your fullest expression…and your Higher Self led you here.


DIVINE BUSINESS ACADEMY centers around returning to your intuition. Because when you are operating in your business through a connection to your Higher Self, you get into aligned flow and everything around you elevates to match that vibration. You’ll see not only your business shift but everything in your life rise up with you.


Do any of these sound like you? 

  • You find yourself stuck repeating patterns and cycles of struggle and dissatisfaction, and you’re ready to figure out how to create change
  • You’re feeling frustrated with following all the advice out there, and you’re receiving intuitive nudges that you want to take aligned action on
  • You’re readier than ever to give up the back and forth between “busyness” and “inaction” so you can finally have a business where everything just comes together with ease
  • You understand how to manifest, yet there’s a missing piece to attracting the money, clients, and time freedom that you desire – and the time is now to uncover it  

 If you answered yes to even one of those statements above, then Divine Business Academy is made for you.

So, what exactly is


Let me show you...



DIVINE BUSINESS ACADEMY is a 6-month container for conscious entrepreneurs ready to harness the power of their intuition and co-create a business of their dreams with their non-physical Light Team.


It’s designed to give you that all-powerful combination of: 

✔ Aligned Leadership -- through deeply connecting with your intuition, honoring your power, remembering who you are, taking aligned action, and co-creating with your Light Team

✔ Embodied Healing-- with healing practices to move past fears and blocks, channeled teachings, energy healings, and intuitive coaching and mentorship

✔ Sacred Community-- for peer-to-peer support, collaboration, and the confidence that comes from not going at it alone 

These intentionally curated modalities work together to unlock your intuition, tap into the invisible energy available to you, and support you as you take spiritually aligned action today and beyond.

My biggest goal for you is that you understand and embrace your true power, and you’re able to trust the flow of abundance making its way to you.

Instead of lack, fear, and doubt, your reality becomes abundance, love, and faith.

Each month you get… 


This is where harnessing the power of your intuition happens. Not only will you receive channeled teachings and intuitive group readings, but I’ll also be helping you understand your gifts, make powerful decisions, get clarity on your next steps, and step into your new identity of an aligned leader. These calls give you the coaching and masterminding to get you through whatever challenges or questions come up along the way. 

Plus, you’ll also be supported by your co-coaches…

Each month, you’ll get coaching calls that you can attend to support you in coming back to your true self AND energetically clearing any and all cords keeping you tied to your old identity. The amount of healing and support you’ll receive on these calls will blow you away.

Gabriella Thomas

Gabriella is a total badass when it comes to energy healing. Using light codes, energetic rays, and connecting with Light Beings, she stimulates your energy body and removes blocks from your energetic system. I know this is a lot to conceptualize, but what we’re really talking about is helping you vibe on a higher frequency. You’ll also do EFT (emotional freedom technique) tapping to release stagnant emotions and reprogram your subconscious mind.


Meet Randi Lee, my amazing Human Design coach who helps entrepreneurs unlock their magic by knowing how they’re uniquely made for success. HD is a system that brings together ancient wisdom and principles to offer a map of how you are designed to operate in the world. On these calls, you will be guided in accessing your intuition and operating your business in ways that are in sync with who you truly are. Hello, deeper alignment.


Adam is the genius behind multi-million dollar sales for big names like James Wedmore, Brandon Lucero, and Jim Fortin, and now he’s supporting you with mastering your heart-centered sales. Through Adam’s neuroembodyment technique, he’ll help you merge your authentic self with your sales strategy to make inviting people into your programs more profitable and effortless than ever before.

The total value of the group coaching sessions alone are $19,980!!

(but we’re not done adding value yet…)


On top of the monthly group calls, you also get…


Based on the energy and current needs of the group, I will hand-craft experiential learning environments where you will workshop to reach a new level of awakening within yourself and business. Think energetic alignment, sales + marketing, operations and finances – all the must-have components of an intuitively-led business.

$2,222 Value


Because the foundations you set in DBB are paramount to your success inside the Academy, we are including it for you!! DBB is the opportunity to redesign your business using your intuition and attract your divine abundance through 5 core modules – Your Light Team, Your Divine Purpose, Your Aligned Offer, Your Divine Abundance Intent, and Your Energy Management.

$1,497 Value


This is unlike any other community you’ve ever been a part of because it is exclusive to the small, hand-picked souls inside this program. You can ask questions, share celebrations, get feedback, and soak up inspiration from the other members who will be getting into alignment and flow alongside you.

$3,000 Value


This retreat will help you make quantum shifts and leaps in your intuitive connection and business growth. If you’ve ever been to one of my retreats, then you know I don’t create events -- I create experiences. This will be a time for us to join together in a sacred healing space intuitively designed by me to propel you from where you are to where you want to be. The retreat will combine business principles with spiritual exercises, so you walk away with a new level of deep understanding and friendships that last a lifetime.

$1,997 Value



(But your investment in DIVINE BUSINESS ACADEMY
is only a fraction of that)

Two investment levels:


$1,165 $999

Join us by December 22nd for $1,000 OFF



$6,500 $5,500

Save 8% PLUS Join us by December 22nd for $1,000 OFF

Katie Roberton

Holistic Practitioner, Social Worker, and Spiritual Lightworker


Prior to signing up for the Mastermind, I had been in go-go-go mode for too long, combined with a difficult 2020 that I needed to heal from. For the past 8 years, I have been on a spiritual journey, building on my intuition. The idea of further expanding my intuition to grow personally and professionally intrigued me to join the group.  

While in the mastermind, I have learned more ways to communicate with my spirit team. Instead of going into my regular “achievement” & “go-go-go mode,” I am learning and embodying the best ways to choosing the path of least resistance. Being in the mastermind opened up space for me to learn about myself and why I make the choices that I make. I learned about some of my past lives which has helped me to understand so much more about this lifetime. I know now that I am never alone, we always have support from our spirit team. I remembered how powerful I am and that it feels amazing to stand in my power. 

I feel much more peaceful in my life. It is wonderful to be where I am at now – emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I know that life may not always be perfect, but I can rely on the support of my spirit team to guide me. I am so excited to help others find inner peace too.

The very fact that you're reading this page right now is evidence that you have listened, consciously or unconsciously, to your intuition which led you here. And you are willing to open the door and reclaim that connection.


The choice to tune in to this source of love, guidance, and power by accepting you can scale your business by simply listening to your intuition will change everything. 

You’ll trust that it’s safe to release the past, and you’ll no longer fear the future. You’ll tap into an infinite source of abundance, energy, joy and well-being. 

This well-being will become the norm for you, and you’ll grow to embrace it in every facet of your being. Most importantly, you’ll understand intuitively how to show up in your business and fully live out your purpose in service to all of humanity.

When you are guided to a container like this, it’s because you know you have a unique gift to share with the world. This gift is connected to your purpose and the work you’re meant to do in this life.

If you’re anything like the people I work with, deep down you’re likely afraid of your gift. You wonder what people will think or say if you really let your light shine. This fear turns into feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied. 

There is a battle brewing inside you between an identity attached to old stories and ways of being, and a new identity deeply rooted in purpose.

If you allow the old identity to keep you stuck in repeating patterns and cycles of dissatisfaction, you will manifest more of the same. And if you let go of that old identity, and harness your intuition to step into your new identity, you allow everything you are wanting to flow to you. 

Because you will be in alignment with who you truly are.

 The you without attachments.

The you who knows you are worthy upon arrival.

The you who trusts the Universe is conspiring on your behalf.

The you who understands how powerful you really are.

The you who is living a life so full of purpose that you have an impact on every life you touch.

That version of you is begging to be released. That’s the release that changes your business. That’s the release that will change your life forever.

The desire to move out of dissatisfaction and into alignment is enough for you to experience a massive shift. You can decide today to answer your soul’s calling, and commit to purpose and joy. In an instant, you can choose a life beyond your fear.

When you embark on the spiritual business path, a shift occurs whether you’re conscious of it or not. And if you fully embrace the journey and stay committed to your soul’s growth, one day you wake up, and through no doing but by simply being, you’re new. 

Are you ready to begin a new journey of
returning to who you are, your purpose, and your power?
JOIN NOW and get $1,000 OFF
Nicole's Story: 
From not promoting her programs or posting on social for months to a feel-good launch that easily brought in $40,000

Tara Grande, Digital Marketing Manager

I really started to embark on this spiritual journey this past year. I’ve been finding myself and my Divine Team, and all of the different parts and pieces of making myself whole. I wanted the highest level of confidence within myself and to utilize all of my gifts. That's really what led me here.

The mastermind has created a complete personal evolution. I’m getting to know myself from a lot of different angles. I can identify my triggers, and I’m able to cut things off that are no longer serving me. I'm aware of where I'm putting my energy and my time, and now I’m creating what I want in my life because I’m understanding that all things are energy. 

What got you here, won’t get you there. Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of harnessing the power of your intuition, and trusting it enough to propel you into aligned action.


And this is exactly why I created the DIVINE BUSINESS ACADEMY master program.
Marlene's Story: 
Trapped in fear and unable to talk about her gifts to launching a coaching program and effortlessly selling Reiki healing sessions

Kelli Preston, Brand Coach, Designer, and Membership Site Owner

I manifested $36,000 by releasing my attachment to struggle and unworthiness. I now know life gets to be easy. I’ve learned I am intuitive. I had a hunch, but never understood how it showed up for me. I also have awareness around how to make decisions and honor my rhythms. More than anything, I'm learning to make joy a priority.

Say goodbye to frantically running your business and hello to awakening to the truth of your Divine Wisdom, and ushering in your next dimension of abundance

Patricia Noonan, Inner Voice Facilitator  

I didn’t know what to expect from the MM and that is a good thing for me. I am letting it unfold as it is. Being in the moment is such a relief, rather than anticipating with my mind. I have noticed too, that things are happening more quickly for me. I say something and it happens; a collapsing of time. Being aligned with what I want and what I want to do and if not, then being in the flow to correct my course. There are no mistakes; only experiences. 

In case we haven’t officially met, I’m Jen Conger

I’m so thrilled to share this reimagined and remastered program with you. Everything in my life and business shifted for the better when I answered my intuition by creating the beta of this program in September 2020.

I’m so passionate about mentoring women like you to unlock the answers hiding inside of them and shift their vibration to align with the life they want to live. 

I designed DBA to be much more than just your typical group coaching program. It combines spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and energetic levels to transform the way you think, act and behave. 

It’s my mission to show you how to tune in to your intuition and co-create with your Light Team. It’s time to take alignment and flow from concept to your way of life.

DIVINE BUSINESS ACADEMY is the culmination of a lifelong journey to understanding my intuitive abilities, answering the call of my Light Team to create this container, and the NLP-style coaches training I’ve received. I’ve been combining these forces to help dozens of women tune in to their intuition, connect with their invisible support team, and live more abundant and fulfilling lives. 

If you’re looking to manifest your dream business through energy and Divine communication -- you’ll find that inside of DBA. 

For almost 20 years, I’ve brought a balanced combination of heart and marketing strategy to the table when it comes to building a business. My previous corporate experiences launching an entire Fortune 100 social media department from the ground up -- which quickly grew to multiple 6-figures in revenue -- crystalized my obsession with helping people create deeper relationships with their audience online. 

Yet despite the financial success, I found myself continuously unhappy. As I sat on the floor of my work bathroom, 4 months pregnant and having my first panic attack, I realized no amount of fancy paychecks or job titles could fix the stress, imbalance, and fear in my life. 

It became clear that everything I was taught to want would not bring me true joy or fulfillment -- and I would instead need to awaken that spirit from within.

When I finally allowed my intuition to conquer my doubt and fear, I allowed my dream business to unfold.

If you desire the same, put a little faith in the process, and open yourself to receive… your aligned and profitable business will unfold too. 

DIVINE BUSINESS ACADEMY is one of those programs that will not only change your business, it will change your entire existence. Once you unlock the knowledge inside you and dedicate yourself to following it, your life will never be the same again.

You’ve been noticing the subtle nudges, the gentle clues, the call growing inside you to attune to your inner knowing and use this guidance to catapult your business forward.

The question becomes, will you answer the call? I sure hope you do.

JOIN NOW and get $1,000 OFF

This sacred container is perfect for you if you are…

  • A human that identifies as a woman
  • An entrepreneur who has some form of an online business (can be part-time, in the making, or solid 6-figures)
  • Willing to dedicate yourself to new routines and practices
  • Not afraid to admit that you are made for more
  • Curious about your connection to the Universe and believe in some type of non-physical life force power that resides within each of us
  • Committed to the community and willing to give for the growth of all inside it
  • Carrying an openness to try
  • Having an innate rebellion to out-dated systems of business and marketing (or life in general)
  • Someone who sees the investment as a gateway to lifelong benefits and rewards
Tara's Story: From holding on to addicting patterns of busyness and stress to creating boundaries and making space for the things that really matter

Marlene Caraballo, Reiki Practitioner and Graphic Designer

It's been beautiful to be in the company of other souls who are on this deep, profound journey in search of always finding more aligned flow. It's felt like "permission" to expand into channeling and going deeper into discovering my gifts, who I am and how I meant to serve. I've been learning to channel (which I was afraid to try before), I’ve tapped into my truth, and I’ve shed layers of myself that have been holding me back.










Here’s a reminder of everything you’ll experience inside DBA…
  • 2 x Monthly intuitive group coaching calls with Jen
  • Monthly Energy Healing 
  • Monthly Human Design + Gene Keys Coaching
  • Monthly Sales Mastery Coaching
  • My signature course, Divine Business Blueprint
  • On demand coaching and community
  • Live 2-day Virtual Retreat
  • BONUS: 2 x Workshops with Jen

Total Program Value: 


(But your investment in DIVINE BUSINESS ACADEMY is only a fraction of that)

Two investment levels:


$1,165 $999

Join us by December 22nd for $1,000 OFF



$6,500 $5,500

Save 8% PLUS Join us by December 22nd for $1,000 OFF


Hey there love!

If you made it this far down on this page, it’s probably because you’re STRONGLY considering joining us inside Divine Business Academy. 

You might be asking yourself how things will be different if you say yes to this… worried that you’ll invest in another program and you might not see results.

I know we’re getting to know each other, but I can promise you this -- there is nothing I leave out of Divine Business Academy when it comes to fully unlocking your intuition and co-creating with your Light Team.

This isn’t one of those cookie-cutter programs with one-size fits all approaches. This container is uniquely and energetically designed for the women who are invited into it.

I work in tandem with my Light Team (and your Light Team – yes, they collaborate on your behalf!) to provide exactly what you and the group needs. It’s all based on you, and custom-created as we go.

Through the channeled teachings and intuitive readings, we’re laying it all out for you. That doesn’t mean it will be easy. The energy will break down all that needs to be broken so the breakthrough can happen.

I know it’s a big commitment, and you might be feeling a little hesitant right now. So, let’s do what I’d do in the program when you need to make a big decision.

Sound good?

Take a few deep breaths. You can close your eyes if you’d like. Listen to the sound of the air coming in and out of your nose. You can even imagine pressing the air toward the back of your throat. And as the air passes through your chest, lungs, belly, allow yourself to relax deeper into it. Become fully present of the energy flowing through you and ask…



And just let the answer appear. It might happen right away. It might happen later today. Maybe tomorrow.

But, the answer will arrive. You’ll know whether or not it comes from your intuition based on how you feel. If there’s excitement mixed with fear of the unknown, that’s your intuition. That’s your truth. If it's fear keeping you from change, that’s ego.

And when your truth arrives in the form of your answer, promise me you will honor it.

Because the bigger question to ask yourself is -- if this fear has been running your life and it hasn’t given you what you desire so far, will it ever?

Any further thinking beyond these two questions and you’re likely overthinking it.

Sending you love, and we’ll see you inside!!

Julie Schweer Wilhite, Photographer and Business Coach 

I started off the mastermind pretty lost + confused, not sure what to do next. I'm not sure I have it all figured out now, but I am taking big + small steps right now that I know are truly aligned and headed in the right direction. I feel more in touch with my intuition and sources greater than myself than ever before. I still have a long way to go, but I'm on the path. Big things - I've launched a new service/product for my clients, manifested over $35k in a month. Since then I've raised my prices again and booked my highest client to date.


Got Qs?

I'd love to help!

The fact that you're here means that you are considering making a commitment to join us in Divine Business Academy so that you can harness the power of your intuition and have the business you deeply desire. I'm here to help you make this decision as easy as possible.

Wanna chat? 

Please enter your name, email, and any questions you have so that we can set up a 15-minute call. I'm happy to answer any and all of the questions coming up for you as you make this powerful, intuitive decision.

DBA Application Closes

Event description should go here