$555.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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14 day "Experience It" Guarantee

I believe in the power of DBB to change your business (and your life). That’s why when you join DBB and complete the first 2 phases, but on the off chance you end up feeling like it’s not a great fit for you, we’ll give you a full refund.

I just ask that you show up and put in the work. Deal?

No refunds or missed payments will be allowed after the 14 days.

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Divine Business Blueprint (3-Installment Option)

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Inside Divine Business Blueprint, you get:

  • (5) CORE TRAINING MODULES (valued at $2,997) 
    • Module #1 - YOUR LIGHT TEAM: Connect with your non-physical Light Team to receive messages to guide your business path... even if you regularly second-guess your intuition
    • Module #2 - YOUR SOUL'S PURPOSE: Discover your soul’s purpose to design your dream business... because it’s time to more deeply understand what you came to give this world
    • Module #3 - YOUR ALIGNED OFFER: Craft your aligned offer that attracts take-my-money soulmate clients... and will energetically lead you to your 6-figure+ year
    • Module #4 - YOUR DIVINE ABUNDANCE BLUEPRINT: Use your intuition to map out the year ahead so you can completely let go to let in... and know what to outsource to the Universe and your Light Team
    • Module #5 - YOUR ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Embody Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies to manifest your blueprint in aligned flow... because harmonization of all aspects is the key to your success

  • BONUS 1: Group Coaching Library (valued at $1,497)
    • Over 25 hours of live intuitive coaching and Q&A with Jen, sure to answer any and all questions you’ve ever had about growing an intuitively-led business

  • BONUS 2: Revolution of Intuition course (valued at $497)
  • Access to the private Divine Business Blueprint Facebook group for coaching, collaboration opportunities, and to learn from your fellow members (valued at priceless)

That's a total program value of $4,991 but your investment is only a fraction of that.

Imagine getting results like these...

In the last 6 weeks, I have had the biggest month and my biggest quarter in business so far. Before DBB, I was looking for answers everywhere and not finding them. Now I am being intuitively led, and when I stay in my intuitive space things work out.

Karen Antrobus, Parenting Coach

I completed the I+I Dashboard & Planner and realized my income so far this month has already surpassed last month's income! AH! So excited - love love LOVE Module 4!

Dawn Pensack, Teacher's Coach

After only 2 weeks inside DBB, I realized my intuitive blocks. As a result of working through that with Jen's help, I launched my beta program and sold-out all my spots! I then used my intuition to create the program and added 2 new members to my team.

Alexis Diamond, Business Coach